Hurricane And Rise In Sea Level Threatens Trump’s Florida Resorts

President Trump once referred to climate change as a “hoax” and a Chinese invention to make U.S. goods less competitive. But the Trump-owned or branded properties in South Florida has also suffered the pinch of Hurricane Irma. The worst days may still be ahead of Trump properties in south Florida as The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) predicts the rise in sea level in the area to as much as 34 in by 2050. By the end of the century, all may be underwater.

A chart on seal level rise though the centuries and in the future.
A recent study which was published in Nature journal reveals that sea level could rise to as high as six feet by the year 2100 due to the melting of ice in the Antarctic. The president’s property along with two million homes would be submerged.
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Coastal Risk Consulting logo

According to a risk analysis by Coastal Risk Consulting, the grounds of Mar-a-Largo grounds could be under at least a foot of water for at least 210 days a year as a result of increase in tidal flooding. The main buildings at the Mar-a-Largo will remain safe for at least thirty years but the flooding will restrict its access, the risk analysis projects.

President Trump is fond of the Palm Beach complex which he also refers to as the “winter White House”. He also described the private resort as the “best club in the world”. In February, the president hosted the Japanese prime minister there. Trump also trusts that Mar-a-Lago has the best meatloaf in America.

the Trump Grande complex
the Trump Grande complex

The effect of climate change will also be extended to the Trump Grande complex in Sunny Isles, Miami which is made up of the Trump Royale condo buildings, the Trump Palace, and the Trump International Beach Resort hotel. It is predicted that the resort could face storm surges and tidal flooding for up to 97 days a year while the beaches stand to be badly eroded. The Trump Hollywood condos located about twelve miles to the north of Miami could be turned into islands for 140 days a year.

Another property affiliated to the president that could be at risk is the national Doral golf course. The Orlando Sentinel in June reported that the rise in sea level and associated flooding could lead to severe damage. Even if the golf course remains intact, it could mean that it would only be playable for fewer times in the year.

The ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, Senator Bill Nelson whose state has suffered multiple cases of severe flooding expressed concerns at how the nation has been impacted by climate change.

“Today we sit at ground zero of the impacts of climate change in the US. And while there are still some who continue to deny climate change is real, South Florida offers proof that it is real and it’s an issue we’re going to be grappling with for decades to come.”

Source: Independent

trump org Amanda Miller
Spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, Amanda Miller

Before the arrival of Hurricane Irma, the Trump Organization had said it was preparing its properties that could be in the path of the storm. This was made public in a statement by the spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, Amanda Miller,

“The safety of our guests, members and colleagues is our top priority, and we are closely monitoring Hurricane Irma. Our team at the Trump properties in Florida are taking all of the proper precautions and following local and Florida State Advisories very closely to ensure that everyone is kept safe and secure. We continue to send out thoughts and prayers to victims of Hurricane Harvey and are praying for those that are in the path of Hurricane Irma”

Source: USA Today

Donald Trump, Flood, Florida, hurricane, sea level, storm surge
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