Let's Talk Climate

Our Belief
The need for environmental conservation has grown now more than ever following the spate of natural disasters plaguing the world. Scientists have warned that there would be dire consequences if the global temperature should rise above 2oC. Every nation should be held accountable for this collective fight to leave a better environment for the younger generation. It is the duty of every nation to adhere to the best standards of energy generation as well as making commitments to lower their domestic emissions.
The growth in technology has increased the possibility of generating more energy from renewable sources but it is sad to note that many nations still stick to the burning of fossil fuels which emit much of the greenhouse gases that lead to climate change. We believe that the area of sustainable energy is gradually becoming one of the leading sources of employment and every nation would be doing themselves good by keying into this sector with a tremendous amount of benefits.
We believe that conservation of wildlife, forests, and seas, as well as adoption of green energy initiatives, is key to winning the war on climate change. Evidently, a diverse wildlife, clean water, and air are important for public health and the economy.

Our Heritage
Our wildlife, forest, landscapes, and water are a crucial part of our heritage as human beings. They are part of our identities. It is therefore paramount that we protect these natural resources around us as a way of protecting our identity and reassuring the generations coming behind that they will have a safe environment to call home.
We urge all nations to adopt green energy initiatives that will put less pressure on our natural resources and the environment. In pursuance of these initiatives, they should tie it to our human heritage and chase it with vigor.
Our Mission
Solve Climate is committed to environmental protection through awareness and application of technology, conservation and inspiring people to be enthusiastic about nature. We have taken up the responsibility of bringing you news and information concerning the different approaches are taken by different nations to conserve the environment in the fight against climate change.
Our Vision
Solve Climate is aiming at a future where a high value would be placed on environmental conservation and more nations will be committed to a cleaner source of energy.